Aaraf Rao

Aaraf Rao
Aaraf Rao

Aaraf Rao
Aaraf Rao

Aaraf Rao

Aaraf Rao

AI magic is here to save the world, making us giddy with excitement and terrifying us at the same time. However, AI is still mostly unknown, and figuring out exactly how it will work in the design world is pretty much like trying to figure out how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
AI (artificial intelligence) has become an over-hyped buzzword across many industries and the design world is no exception. There are ongoing conversations between designers and developers around the future impact of AIMachine LearningDeep Learning… VR, AR, and MR (virtual, augmented, and mixed realities), and how our jobs may be changing.

So, what does design bring to the conversation? With AI, new relationships will need to be established between customer and product. These interactions will be just the beginning of the ongoing conversation between business and consumer about what artificial intelligence can, and should be able to do for products and services. Designers will bring the necessary empathetic context for innovation, which is how a business will succeed with AI.


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